Monday, April 19, 2010

ugly people

why are ugly people happy? why are ugly people so mean?

this topic of discussion has many possible answers but only ugly people will know for sure.

if you are already ugly, and on top of that you are dont have anything going for you. "but tawna! im smart," you say...yeah. i dont care. people magazine isnt going to come knock down your door to get a peek of you because you are smart. they want people that are pretty. [and i still havent gotten any knocks yet but my door is always open to people magazine.]

and if you are ugly and actually happy? now that is a difficult question to answer.

here are some general ponderments that i have asked myself as of recent:
  1. maybe ugly people are happy because they are smart and successful and two outta three aint bad [thank you meatloaf], and they dont even read people magazine [guffah!].

  2. ugly people are happy because they have found someone they love who is as ugly as they are. then they procreated in the dark and somehow their recessive genes popped out a beautiful baby. *tangent alert* that just baffles me how that happens. two trailer park grade school drop outs get freaky and make a cute kid. that is probably the higher power in life trying to give that kid a break. did you know that demi moore grew up in a trailer park?! *tangent complete*

  3. ugly people are mean because, lets face it [or dont face it, its too ugly], they are ugly! no one wants to be ugly! can you blame them? because this is a material world and everyone is a material girl.

one solution to this problem is cosmetic surgery. hooray for plastic! [please recycle]. they have some serious alterations that can be done. we've all seen dr. 90210 on E!, and dr. rey is super enthusiastic to make ugly people happy AND pretty! but if they arent willing to fork over the money to to make their insides and outsides nicer then shame on them. too bad frontal lobotomies are out of style.

helpful link

dedicated to bad richie

1 comment:

  1. Excellent blog if i do say so myself. a remark on ugly people if i far as beautiful people having ugly children go, sometimes 2 very beautiful people can produce a very unusually ugly child...also surpisingly enough, ugly people end up marrying very beautiful people, it happens more than one may think. In fact often times when i people watch [yes i take to this past time as well], i have noticed myself trying not stare at couples who are.....well....odd to say the least. Take for instance the seemingly strange older gentleman, possibly balding, most likely "shapes" [as dane cook likes to say], wandering the grocery store aisles looking positively hopeless, and then out of no where an amazingly beautiful young woman pops around the corner and lays a big kiss on his mis-proportioned face....and i am left thinking WTF. and that is one of the few remarks i have on the subject of ugly people.
